Useful documents

Writing Guidelines and Evaluation Criteria

Submit an article

Are you using a teaching strategy that works particularly well? Have you experimented with a new approach that has proven successful and that other teachers or professional workers could also benefit from? Have you recently conducted research in education or a related field that could encourage the college system to change its practices?
Why not write an article for Pédagogie collégiale and share your expertise?
Articles can be submitted at any time by email to the editor-in-chief, Anne-Marie Paquette. The guidelines for writing an article are available in the Useful documents tab. The editorial committees meets roughly once a month to review the texts submitted.


The thematic issue

Usually once a year, the journal features a thematic issue. The editorial committees decides the subject of each issue and proposes various possible perspectives to cover the chosen theme. The call for articles usually takes place in October, with a January deadline for submissions and a May publication date.
Refer to the Call for Papers for 2025: Curiosity that Enriches Action
Browse the most recent thematic issues

Writing for Pédagogie collégiale

Many teachers seek pedagogical innovation, figuring out new teaching practices or conducting research the results of which potentially beneficial for the entire college network. These are all inspiring stories to tell... while also being the perfect opportunity to share experiences or research results with Pédagogie collégiale readers. But how do you get started? The editorial board offers a workshop on storytelling, its codes and writing techniques to help you tell the right story, focus on what matters the most, and ensure that your article is captivating and memorable.
Useful document: Écrire dans Pédagogie collégiale Presentation
(40th AQPC Conference, June 2021)

Journal sections


Shared Practice

An article written in the form of a professional experience account highlighting the context, the action taken, the analysis of the process followed and the results obtained. This article also offers suggestions for knowledge transfer and ideas on how coworkers might adapt the practice to their own context.
Expected length: 2500-3000 words
See an example


Education Research

An article featuring easy-to-understand scientific process and featuring the results of pedagogical research or a related field. This article also outlines suggested courses of action to improve the quality of college education.
Expected length: 3500-4000 words
See an example

Pedagogical Reflection

An article addressing topics or issues that are important to those working in college education. Based on factual and theoretical sources, the article is meant to stimulate discussion and debate.
Expected length: 2500-3000 words
See an example


An article written in the form of a friendly conversation between two people in higher education (student, professor, professional, executive, etc.) as they discuss complex, sensitive, or even controversial topics and seek each other out to listen to their own arguments not out of a desire to clash, but to understand their respective points of view.
Expected length: 2000-2500 words
See an example


An article written in the form of an interview and presenting the highlights of a meeting or exchange that took place between the author and one or more people working in college education. This article deals with pedagogical or professional practices related to the college environment or any other theme closely associated with it.
Expected length: 2000-2500 words
See an example

Documented practice

An article bridging the gap between shared practice and easy-to-understand scientific process and featuring the results of an investigation conducted during the realization of an innovative educational project. This article features an evaluation supported by methodology or evidence documentation of a pedagogical practice in which the teacher takes on a practitioner-researcher stance in accordance with the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning’s (SoTL) methods.
Expected length: 3500-4000 words


An article featuring useful and relevant information for those working in college education, whether that information is related to organizations, sites, documents, and so on. The subject of the article should be recent, relevant to current events, or not well known.
Expected length: 1500-2000 words
See an example

Suggested Reading

An article featuring a critical review of an education-related book, meant to be relevant to those working in college education. This article is meant to draw attention to a newly-published book deemed worthy of being discovered by a large group of professional workers in college education.
Expected length: 1500-2000 words
See an example


An article featuring the personal opinion of one or more individuals on a specific aspect of current events that influence research or professional practices related to college education. This type of article is subjective by default and features solid arguments. The opinions expressed in such an article are not those of the magazine staff, the editorial board or publisher but of the author and they alone.
Expected length: 1500-2000 words
See an example

College and Society

An article featuring information or insight that goes beyond the college environment but has an impact on it all the same. This article is meant to highlight some of the connections between college life and social issues.
Expected length: 2500-3000 words
See an example