Samuel Bernard
Executive Director
Louise Guilmain
Events and Communications Manager
514 328-3805 ext.2002
Anne-Marie Paquette
Rédactrice en chef de la revue
514 328-3805 ext.2003
Fanny Joussemet
Pedagogical counsellor - Animation
514 328-3805 ext.2008
Charles Désy
Pedagogical counsellor - Development
514 328-3805 ext.2007
Christine Daviault
Pedagogical counsellor - Development
Jade Pilon
Graphic Designer/Information Technician
514 328-3805 ext.2005
Andréanne Cournoyer
Communications and Member Services Coordinator
514 328-3805 ext.2006
Caroline Gosselin
Events coordinator
514 328-3805 ext.2006
Nicole Perreault
Project manager - Webinar