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Pedagogical Vector Award


Behind the pedagogical dynamism and pedagogical or technopedagogical innovations of a college, as well as the research in education presented at conferences such as that of the Association québécoise de pédagogie collégiale (AQPC), are people who may work from behind the scenes. These are the people that the AQPC wishes to honor each year with the Pedagogical Vector Award.

Since 2013, the Association has paid tribute to these women and men who support, guide and accompany teachers and management teams from behind the scenes of Québec colleges as they pursue pedagogical or technopedagogical innovation, student success, and the development of enlightening and engaging academic programs. 

This award is presented every year at the opening of the AQPC conference to an individual whose exceptional work has made an impact on their peers at their institution. 

From left to right, Philippe Nasr, President of AQPC, Andrea Cooperberg, award winner, and Jules Bélanger, Director of Performa - Université de Sherbrooke, partner of the award.