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Emerging Teacher Award

The college network is recognized in Quebec society just as much for its relevance as its dynamism and innovative nature. In order to grow and develop, such a network must rely on a new generation of inspiring teachers ready to take on tomorrow’s challenges despite the instability they may have to deal with. The college network is privileged enough to be able to rely on exceptional newcomers who invest time and energy in ensuring the excellence of our colleges and in the educational success of our students.
Established in 2022 by the Association québécoise de pédagogie collégiale (AQPC), this award is meant to pay tribute a beginner teacher (two to six years of experience). Nominated by their peers, this teacher may already have had the opportunity to make an impact thanks to their contribution to pedagogy during their first years of teaching in the college network.
This award is presented at the end of the AQPC conference to an individual in the early stages of their career who has already had a positive influence on their institution or on the college network. Whether the laureate left in their wake enlightening pedagogical practices that inspired their peers thought-provoking discussions thanks to pedagogical involvement or their college spirit, the laureate has put pedagogy at the forefront of their teaching practice in order to have a positive impact on students’ success rate.
De gauche à droite: Philippe Nasr, président sortant de l’AQPC, Julie Brousseau, lauréate du prix, et Marie-Andrée Gervais, directrice des ventes et du marketing de Chenelière Éducation – Collégial et universitaire, partenaire de ce prix.