Major Lectures Series

To inspire pedagogical thinking


The AQPC's Major Lectures are opportunities to meet and exchange with public figures who work in the periphery of the collegiate framework as such. They seek to highlight certain links that exist between college life and broader societal issues.

These one-off meetings are generally held twice a year, at the beginning of the fall and winter sessions. They are opportunities to explore avenues that are somewhat marginal to college pedagogy and to enrich one's pedagogical reflections in turn.



A concerted approach to success in higher education: analysis of the diversity of student success and the power of institutional and faculty action

The conference and workshop are offered with simultaneous interpretation in English.

Conference description

For over 40 years, higher education has been faced with major political demands and objectives in terms of massification of success. The aim is to enable an increasingly diverse range of students to succeed in higher education. However, this challenge is not easy to manage for institutions or teachers, who are questioning their role and power to influence success. Who are we talking about when we talk about success? And above all, how does scientific research suggest we can influence success? This conference will provide some answers, but also some new questions on this subject, using an approach rooted in educational psychology.