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Gérald-Sigouin Award

The college network is recognized in Quebec society just as much for its relevance as its dynamism and innovative nature. In order to develop and evolve, such a network must be supported by dedicated people who contribute to the Cégeps’ objectives in their own way. The college network is privileged enough to be able to rely on exceptional people who invest time and energy in ensuring the excellence of our colleges.
Since 1990, the Association québécoise de pédagogie collégiale (AQPC) has paid tribute to these women and men who have made noteworthy contributions to the development, support and advancement of college pedagogy. This tribute, whether meant for an individual or a group, is represented by an award bearing the name of one of the founders and first head director of the AQPC: Mr. Gérald Sigouin. 
This award is presented every year at the opening of the AQPC conference to an individual (or a group of individuals) whose exceptional work has had a lasting impact on the college community. 
From left to right in the photo, Philippe Nasr, outgoing president of AQPC, Bernard Dionne, award winner and Vincent Roy-Léonard, treasurer of SPGQ, partner of the award.